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Transferring Video Games to Film: A Qualitative Examination of the Enduring Struggle to Adapt Video Games to Film

Transferring Video Games to Film A Qualitative Examination of the Enduring Struggle to Adapt Video Games to Film Evan Regan MacEwan University BCSC203: Final Research Paper Assignment Professor: Lucille Mazo, PhD December 10th, 2021 Abstract This research paper will take a qualitative approach to determine where exactly the disconnect is between the storytellers in the film industry and their counterparts in the video game industry, in an effort to determine why video game stories have been so difficult to successfully translate into live-action mediums. It will examine the history of storytelling in video games, including how the shift from 2D to 3D animation techniques caused an increase in demand for deeper and more engaging storytelling in video games, how video game designers began using techniques from filmmaking to assist in crafting those stories, and what methods have been subsequently used by filmmakers to attempt to capture the success of video games on film. It will also ex...

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